Everyday Pursuits

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Summer Workout Tips

Hello, Summer! Summer is definitely my fave season. I mean who doesn’t love rooftop brunches, playing on the beach,  and sunset happy hours? It’s also the season where you find yourself wearing the least amount of clothes, but socializing a bit more than usual. And by socializing I mean eating and drinking! Unfortunately those two don’t really go hand in hand so I definitely like  to kick my workout into high gear during the summer months.  I’ve received a couple requests via social about my workout routine and thought I’d share a few of my  summer workout tips!

In the beginning of the year I shared a bit about my workout regimen, but a few things have changed.  Since my last Bikinis & Beaches post I started taking PopPhysique and OBSESSED is an understatement. It’s a great toning class that uses a ballet barre, light weights, and pink jelly balls. They’re very focused on the female body and places that require a little more attention like booty, abs and triceps.  After one class I noticed a change and decided to sign up for a month! This brings me to my three tips about getting in summer workout mode:

1.  Know your body:
We’re all old enough to know what our bodies want and how they react to certain foods, workouts, etc. If boozing 7 days a week makes you gain weight, why not cut back and only drink on the weekend? I know that I’m naturally very thin and that if I do too much cardio I lose every curve in my body. Therefore, I rarely focus on intense cardio - only heart healthy cardio - and turn to strength training and toning workouts. Whereas some people need INTENSE cardio and very small doses of strength training to prevent bulkiness. My workout can’t be your workout and vice versa, but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn from each other and curate the perfect personal fitness regimen.  

2. Take advantage of your surroundings:
The best thing about summer is that you can take your workout outside. Getting sweaty in the sun always feels amazing (to me at least)! Run around the lake or on the beach. Plan a morning hike or jump in your local pool for a few laps. This is the time to multi-task and live it up outside. I try to plan at least one outdoor workout activity every weekend! 

3. Workout with friends:
I found PopPhysique because my friend Cat invited me to go to a class with her. Working out with a friend or significant other is the best – you have someone to push you + feel your pain after squat #293205825. There’s nothing better than looking at each other mid-workout and knowing that you're both thinking "OMG, this is so hard it hurts!"

It’s also important to set goals, but sometimes I think we all get a little too focused on meeting that goal weight or physique and don’t listen to our bodies. Maybe being 15 lbs lighter isn’t actually what your body needs to be healthy? Is a six pack realistic?! Don't be too hard on yourself. Remind yourself that overall it's important to workout to feel good and be on your "A" game... ie : this morning I cancelled my Pop class because I went to bed WAY too late last night to even think about getting up at 6am to workout - life happens! 

What about dieting? As I mentioned above, I think we're all aware of our bodies and that maybe hamburgers 7x a week might not be the best for our waistlines or arteries. I'm not a fan of diets, never have been.   Like most, I want to enjoy life wining and dining with the people I love and why deprive myself? Everything in moderation with a few minor adjustments (ie: drinking 3 nights instead of 7), but at the end of the day my  motto is: kick up the workout intensity to balance out over indulgent nights.