Everyday Pursuits

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2014: A Year in Shoes

Can it be? The end of the year already! It literally feels like I just did this post for 2013 - time really flies when you're pursuing shoes. (see what I did there?!) This year I could've sworn I didn't buy that many shoes but the recap from 2014's blog posts proves differently: 

And these are just the ones that made it to the blog. Yes, I have a problem (thanks for indulging in it). It was definitely a year of neutrals for me, what about you? I'm thinking we're all buying a little more conservatively as we get older. Ugh, speaking of old, 2015 is the last year of my 20s. #holymoly #omg Let's discuss later... 

What's your fave pair of shoes you purchased this year? Any big splurges? I would love to know!