What to Pack for a Miami Vacay

Miami, I think I have a crush on you. En route back to Los Angeles with a back full of bug bites, a sun kissed nose and a camera full of tropical snaps! Over the weekend the boy and I went to Miami to visit his family and explore the city. It was my first trip and definitely won't be the last because I absolutely loved it (more on that later in the week).

When we booked my belated birthday trip, of course, the first thing that came to mind was "what am I going to wear!?" aka: time to shop for bright colors and bold prints. For a Miami rookie, I'd like to think the below worked out quite well: 

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{click on the little + to checkout the products (except for these amazing Zara flats)}

Light weight pieces are the way to go for Miami's heat and humidity. Let's be honest, I wish I could've run around in a Mikoh bikini the entire trip, however, that's not realistic or appropriate. One thing I do suggest for any warm weather trip is a romper or two. Rompers = less clothes to pack + instant outfits. Now just worry about going to the restroom! Another must-have for Miami or any trip for that matter is a pair of nude shoes à la these Zara flats. They lend themselves to limitless outfit pairings and look especially great with a tan!

My fave Miami look is coming later this week. Hope you had a fabulous weekend!