All White Everything + Tassels
The past week was pure insanity - have you been following along on snapchat? (username: pursuitofshoes) Let's just say I consumed ridiculous amounts of wine (surprise, surprise!) and went to Iowa, Oklahoma, and Dallas in less than 5 days. #stylistLAhitstheroad
As I sat freezing in Ames, Iowa all I could do was think about LA's constant state of warmth. There's nothing like getting out of your element to make you appreciate the everyday! I shot this all white look a few weeks ago during a gorgeous sunny day in Venice:
As I sat freezing in Ames, Iowa all I could do was think about LA's constant state of warmth. There's nothing like getting out of your element to make you appreciate the everyday! I shot this all white look a few weeks ago during a gorgeous sunny day in Venice:
Can we talk about these shoes? Fringe, lace-up, olive-green heels... pretty sure I died and went to spring 2015 shoe heaven. Notice I didn't just say "shoe heaven" because let's be real, there will be a more fantastic pair of shoes in the future. But in this moment, I want to wear these J. Crew lovelies EVERY second of the day; they're beyond comfy and totally fab. It was one of those love and first site moments and guess what? J. Crew's running a 30% off promo right now which makes these babies too good to pass up. #justaying