New Year's Reso... What?
Happy 2016, you guys! I can't believe it's 2016, wasn't it just 2008? I swear I just graduated college (ahem... that was 8 yrs ago!)... apparently I'm a grownup now. The beginning of a new year is a great reason to make a list of resolutions or goals, but I think we can all agree that come January 15th the list has already been misplaced and/or forgotten, am I right? Here's to hoping that this year will be different.
As Andy and recapped our favorite memories
, we couldn't help discuss the year to come and our goals for 2016. I wouldn't call them resolutions, per say, just things to keep in mind as we go through our day to day.
- Give more, take less in all aspects of our lives
- Be good to our bodies by eating healthy and working out (we aren't getting any younger - I turn 30 this year!)
- Enjoy every moment and don't take anything for granted
- Do you! (together and separately)
It's safe to say these 4 things are applicable to everyone, and nice reminders to be good humans and embrace all the great things that are happening. With only 4 things to remember and a "resolutions buddy", I'm hoping we will still be going strong come June.
When it comes to working out I've taken to
which is kicking my butt, actually kicking every muscle in my body. More deets on Studio MDR soon. For eating healthy, I'm not planning to make drastic changes, just being more cognizant about not drinking too much (the struggle!), eating breakfast in the AM, and infusing more greens into my daily diet.
I recently put together this blueberry smoothie recipe as a part of my
that's absolutely delicious and healthy. It's been my go-to for breakfast lately:
Looking for a breakfast option to kick off your healthy new year's resolution? This Blueberry Blast smoothie is it! Almond milk has been all the rage for a few years now. For someone who’s lactose intolerant or isn't so keen on drinking dairy, almond milk is the perfect alternative to milk. The best part is that almond milk still
has great protein and texture, so you won't realize you're missing anything in your
morning smoothie. Add some antioxidant rich blueberries, molasses (a great source
of iron) and cinnamon (great for lowering inflammation) and ta-da: You have a
healthy and very tasty breakfast!
Cook time: 0 minutes | Prep time: 5 minutes | Serves: 2
- 1 cup frozen blueberries
- 1 cup almond milk
- 1 Tbsp. molasses
- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- ⅛ cup raw almonds
- 4 -6 ice cubes (optional)
- Add all the ingredients into a high-speed blender and pulse until the ice and almonds are blended. This makes enough for two medium smoothies or one large smoothie.
- Add to a glass.
- Enjoy!
Hope you all had an amazing NYE and wishing you a fab 2016!

This content was created in partnership with Kroger Family Stores using free products provided by Kroger.
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