Birds of Paradise

Giving off some real tropical vibes since I've been in Miami! Even though it feels like 100 degree with the humidity and heat, I kind of love it. I'm embracing it and going all beachy mufasa hair; it's fun. Just picked up the ouai wave spray and it's really great at giving a beachy texture without tangling... ugh... hate the ones that make your hair super tangly.

While I've been here I shopped the #nsale... talk about a trip... sweating profusely outside and then trying to shop "fall" clothes! The funniest part is that I ended up finding my FAVE Mara Hoffman one-piece in a fun exclusive print, plus they have other great swim styles that I never thought to look for. #winning

Anywho, back to this shirt dress that I'm obsessed with:

how to wear tropical print, janessa leone, revolveclothing, miami outfit ideas

{tropical vibes}

how to wear tropical print, janessa leone, revolveclothing, miami outfit ideas
how to wear tropical print, janessa leone, revolveclothing, miami outfit ideas
how to wear tropical print, janessa leone, revolveclothing, miami outfit ideas
how to wear tropical print, janessa leone, revolveclothing, miami outfit ideas
how to wear tropical print, janessa leone, revolveclothing, miami outfit ideas
{onia shirt dress  // b-low the belt 'jasper' belt' // dolce vita 'jasymn' sandal  // janessa leone 'bernt' hat}

Bought this dress for my recent Palm Springs trip and pretty much want it to come in every possible solid and print. The fit is just spot on and it makes for such an easy summer outfit.  I always love a good cinched waist which is why I added the belt, but it still looks great without one. In terms of fit it runs a bit short, so be warned!

Btw, if you're planning a trip to Miami make sure to check out my previous travel guides.

Hope you guys are having a great week!

{shop the look}