It's OTK Boot Season!
Sponsored by Zappos
Can I just tell you how much I love when the seasons change? Yes, I'm an endless summer kind of gal but a new season means an excuse for new shoes! And it's OTK boot season!
As a petite gal (5'3") I've always struggled with styling OTK boots in a way that won't make me look even shorter. Through and through the short skirt pairing seems to be the way to go! Ordered these Dolce Vita beauties from Zappos the other day and took them for a whirl:
{zara lace top // zara black suede skirt (in-store) // ysl bag // dolce vita OTK boots}
What I love about these is the slim fit! In the past I've experienced OTK boots that get too bunchy because they're not tight enough; this style has just the right amount of stretch.
To be honest, I haven't shopped on Zappos that much recently, so when they reached out about collaborating I was like 'let's try this out!' First of all, did you know you can log in with your Amazon credentials? If only all of life could be that way! Second, they have ALL. THE. SHOES. It's pretty amazing I only checked out with 3 pairs haha. The best part is that when I ordered my Dolce Vita OTK boots it was still really warm in LA and I just hoped that my purchase would make the weather gods have mercy on my future outfit dreams. It worked! All I've wanted to wear since it started cooling down is black, suede, and jeans; slowly and surely getting back to my fall uniform. Speaking of weather, I'm headed to SF this weekend and it's going to be pouring. This girl does not do well in rain. WISH ME LUCK!
Btw, I'm obsessed with this lace top! Next week I'll be sharing another way to wear it next week. Yas!!